Friday, December 11, 2009

Stomach Ache No Touching What To Do When A Newborn Has A Stomach Ache?

What to do when a newborn has a stomach ache? - stomach ache no touching

My week old baby ... Stomach is still crying every time he touched. make those who do not eat well, and if not every time he vomits?
I take it to the emergency room?


mjoy2685 said...

Could it be gas, make sure you have a lot of belching. Some babies spit up after every meal, my daughter never did, but my son is the spitting 2.5 weeks old, after every meal, and while he does what he does cry a lot of noise and screamed as if you have any stomach problems. My doctor told me it was probably a little gas, and that in the first few weeks, the digestive system of babies still adjust. If you are really interested, call the doctor needs a doctor on call after hours and to tell you whether it should be brought into the emergency room have.
I think it is perfectly normal when you lose weight. Moreover, instead of rubbing his belly, "my document, laid face down and rub his back, which sometimes can get gas, and even if your legs in motion, like a bicycle, this can also help.

Miss Sunshine said...

I would always consult a doctor at least. In a week he has no time for them to become dehydrated or worse. It could be a problem with my stomach (pyloric stenosis), which is common among newborn boys and caused a ton of these symptoms ... Vomiting, hysterical crying, etc.

They look good. All this is good, with a baby .... not discuss simply the risk of having a child.

Crys said...

If you think that something is wrong other than gas, so you take your baby to the emergency room or your doctor better safe than sorry.

Chelsea ツ said...

Can be gas ... try to talk him Mylicon gas drops and see if it helps .. immediately. Please .. they take in the emergency room to ensure that it drying out. Who would not even nessesary when he gets a bit down. Call your doctor and Tomarrow I'm going to get you assigned to the time such situations.

Cheese Fairy - Mummified said...

Sit down together in a chair with your knees and lie on his stomach through his legs. Rub his back firmly but gently. This can help relieve your stomach problems.

But go with him, vomiting, time to see a doctor. The child could not very well able to digest milk - not from me was the milk process, regardless of my diet. Also can handle everything from milk - soy for both. Finally he came over her.

She gave him a formula that can be easier to digest - a doctor recommended this type.

babii_gu... said...

Buy a gas-x .. hes probably clogged ... Good luck and God bless!

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